Quality & Governance

Quality & Governance provides a framework for KIMS Hospital to ensure the delivery of safe, effective and high-quality healthcare. It also dictates our obligations to our teams, the public and other providers including how we store, process and protect hospital data.

Compliments, comments & complaints

We believe that feedback of all kinds is incredibly important to maintaining and improving the high level of care we strive for.

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How we keep you safe

As the largest independent hospital in Kent, we will provide safe, outstanding quality care to you at every stage of your journey from diagnosis to recovery.

Find out more


Quality Account

In accordance with the Health Act 2009, KIMS Hospital provides a Quality Account for each financial year. The Quality Account presents a picture of our hospital’s performance over the reporting period.

Download the 2023 report


Statement of purpose

We are required to register as a ‘provider’ with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and as such provide them with a clear statement of required information including which services are available at KIMS Hospital; this is known as the Statement of Purpose.

Download a copy

Competition & Markets Authority (CMA)

In accordance with the requirements of the Competition and Markets Authority Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order (2014), we provide a declaration of hospital services provided for Consultants and referring clinicians.

Find out more about Compeition & Market Authority


Workforce Race Equality Standard

The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) monitors and addresses race inequality within healthcare provider organisations across the UK. We are committed to promoting equality of opportunity for our staff, and providing an environment where all of our team are treated with respect and dignity, and are able to reach their potential free from discrimination, harassment and bias.

Find out more about Workforce Race Equality Standard

Anti-slavery statement

KIMS hospital do not tolerate any kind of Modern Slavery (slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking) in our business and supply chain.

Find out more and read our anti-slavery statement


Safeguarding assurance statement

KIMS Hospital a is committed to safeguarding children, young people, and adults across the organisation.

Read our safeguarding assurance statement


Gender pay gap report

KIMS Hospital is committed to creating an environment, which will attract, retain and motivate its people, by enabling a culture in which individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment, and in which all decisions are based on merit. We are an equal opportunities employer, committed to the health and wellbeing of all our people. We believe that it is our people that make our hospital successful and everyone should have the opportunity to work in a motivated team, free from discrimination on any grounds.

Find out more about gender pay gap report

Fair processing privacy notice (FPPN)

Our Fair Processing Privacy Notice (FPPN) provides information on how we collect, store and use your information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Find out more about Fair processing privacy notice


NHS provider licence

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires everyone who provides an NHS healthcare service to hold a licence. As part of that, we must provide written confirmation that we agree to comply with the licence.

Download a copy