A pinnaplasty, more commonly known as ear pinning, is a procedure to reduce prominence of the ears.You can request your preferred location when you contact us
For most people the size, shape and prominence of your ears is inherited and usually a family trend can be seen. If you are considering a pinnaplasty, the experienced cosmetic and plastic surgery specialists at KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre can support you to make the right decision for you.
Helping you reach a decision through professional and supportive advice
When you book a consultation, you can choose to have this at either of our locations, and you will be seen by the Consultant who will perform your surgery at KIMS Hospital. Your Consultant will provide you with guidance on the results you can expect, the recovery time and the additional information you need to help make the right decision for you. They will also follow you all the way through your recovery. This relationship is important to help you get the best possible results.
You can see expert consultants and have a range of scans and tests at either one of our facilities below. If you need a procedure or ear pinning surgery, this will be carried out at KIMS Hospital in Maidstone.
KIMS Hospital
Find out more about the facilities available at KIMS Hospital.
Sevenoaks Medical Centre
Find out more about Sevenoaks Medical Centre, our consulting and diagnostic facility for patients in West Kent.
Prices & payment
The above are guide prices only.

Where will my surgery take place?
Regardless of where you had your initial consultation, all surgical procedures take place at KIMS Hospital in Maidstone. Most outpatient appointments, including follow up appointments with your Consultant, can take place at either KIMS Hospital or Sevenoaks Medical Centre.
What does ear pinning involve?
This operation is carried out under general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic and takes around one to two hours. An incision is made in the skin on the back of the ear and special stitches are used to hold the ear-fold in a new position, and to set the bowl of the ear closer to the head. Dissolving stitches are used in the skin.
What is the recovery period for a pinnaplasty?
After the operation, you will usually be able to return home the same day. You will need to wear a head-band, ear-bandit or beany hat to hold the ears against the head for six weeks following surgery. You will need to do this full-time for the first two weeks, then at night-time only for a further four weeks. This allows time for the ear cartilage to heal in its new position. You should try to rest for the first two weeks, and avoid strenuous activity for six weeks after surgery. Your Consultant will be able discuss this with you during your consultation and answer any questions you may have.
What is the cost of private ear pinning pinnaplasty at KIMS Hospital?
A private ear pinning pinnaplasty at KIMS Hospital starts from £3,712. You can use private medical insurance or pay for yourself. Flexible payment plans are available to spread the cost.
- Make a general enquiry
- Appointment enquiry
Our team are on hand to help answer any queries you might have about coming to KIMS Hospital or Sevenoaks Medical Centre. You can use the form below and one of our team will be in touch. Alternatively to speak to a member of our friendly team, please call 01622 237 500 between 8am-8pm Monday to Friday.
If you would like to book an appointment, you can use the form below and one of our team will be in touch.
Alternatively to speak to a member of our friendly team, please call 01622 237 500 between 8am-8pm Monday to Friday.
Please be aware, if you are requesting a diagnostic scan such as an MRI, or CT, you must have a referral from a relevant clinician or Allied Health professional such as a physiotherapist.