Feeling of something in the throat

Blog Health News 25th September 2023

Are you experiencing the sensation of having something lodged in your throat, like a persistent lump or an uncomfortable tightness? If so, you might have a condition known as Globus Pharyngeus. This feeling, often referred to as a globus sensation, can be distressing, but understanding its causes and seeking appropriate guidance can help alleviate your concerns.

What is Globus Pharyngeus?

Globus Pharyngeus is the feeling of an obstruction or foreign object in the throat. Individuals with this condition might describe it as a sensation of having a lump that won’t go away, or as a persistent urge to clear the throat due to the perception of mucus presence. Interestingly, this feeling of something being stuck in the throat can sometimes lead to muscle tension in the vocal cords, resulting in changes in voice quality and hoarseness.

What are the possible causes?

The causes behind Globus Pharyngeus are often complex and can vary from person to person. Irritation of the throat and vocal cords can stem from factors such as acid reflux, where stomach acid travels upward into the oesophagus and throat, or postnasal drip, where mucus from the nasal passages drips down the back of the throat. In certain instances, localised infections in the throat might also trigger this sensation. It’s important to note that the feeling itself can generate stress and anxiety, which might further intensify the symptoms. Interestingly, there are cases where a thorough assessment fails to identify a specific cause.

What should you do if you have globus sensation?

If you’re suffering with discomfort from Globus Pharyngeus, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and peace of mind. Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialists are well-equipped to provide a comprehensive assessment. Through a detailed history-taking and physical examination, these specialists can delve into the root of the issue. In some cases, an endoscopic examination involving a tiny camera inserted through the nose can be performed to identify potential causes. It’s worth noting that this procedure is brief, lasting less than a minute, and is generally well-tolerated. The absence of any serious underlying causes can offer substantial reassurance to patients.

What is the treatment for Globus Pharyngeus?

Treatment strategies for Globus Pharyngeus depend on identifying the possible causes. Lifestyle adjustments may be recommended, such as avoiding late-night meals, reducing caffeine intake, and making dietary changes to address triggers for acid reflux. Antacid treatments are sometimes needed to help overt acid symptoms, and nasal medications can help treat postnasal drip. Interestingly, refraining from excessive throat clearing can prove beneficial in managing the condition.

If you are suffering from Globus Pharyngeus, you can make an appointment with a specialist ENT consultant, who can evaluate your condition at KIMS Hospital or Sevenoaks Medical Centre.


Article produced by Mr Ali Al-lami, ENT Consultant

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