Safeguarding assurance statement

KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre is committed to safeguarding children, young people, and adults across the organisation.

The welfare and safety of children, young people and adults who come into our services, either directly or indirectly, is paramount and all staff have a responsibility to ensure compliance with statutory requirements and that best practice is followed.

The Head of Nursing for KIMS Hospital is the nominated Safeguarding Lead together with the Named Doctor for Safeguarding Adults. The Clinical Nurse Manager for Outpatients is the nominated deputy for Safeguarding Adults and Children, supported by a Paediatric trained nurse.

The Disclosure and Barring Service checks are in place for all employees and those consultants and professionals working at KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre with practicing privileges.

KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre have robust safeguarding policies in place that are reviewed at least three yearly or when there is legislative or guidance change. All policies are available to all staff through an electronic policy library.

Both sites align their safeguarding training programme to the Health Intercollegiate documents. Safeguarding supervision is available to all staff. There is a dedicated Safeguarding Committee which meets quarterly to offer assurance to the Hospital Management Board on all matters relevant to Safeguarding. The Committee review all related policies to ensure we are meeting our statutory duties under the Children Act (2004), Mental Capacity Act (2005) and Care Act (2014) There is a system in place for raising safeguarding concerns both clinically and though a reporting and learning system.